Services of interior design studio

Do you know at what height you need to hang a curtain rod? How to place a picture on the wall? What should be the distance between the sofa and coffee table, and where would be better to put the switch?

Everyone who startes the repair in the house have to look for an answer to those and many others questions. We can say with certainty based on our experience that the vast majority of our customers respond to them intuitively. Builders and repairers are only performers. They are willing to implement all of your "I want" and "I like this way". Only you will put up and "get along" with minor tweaks in the form of missing sockets and incorrect placement of furniture in the future.

What if this is not a repair in a small apartment, but the construction of house, planning of office space, shop or restaurant? All the flaws in the design lead to great inconveniences and waste of excess. It is much easier to plan everything in advance.

Still unsure whether you need an interior design project? Here we describe the details of our company principles, and you have to decide which design studio services you need, and what can be discarded.

Services of interior design studio

In a good interior all is careful thought out, arranged and interconnected. Only a professional designer is able to see the complete picture of future interior, taking into account the smallest details and nuances.

Many people mistakenly believe that to order the interior design project is a waste of money. Here is some evidence that can dispel this myth:

What is included in interior design project

What is included in interior design project

By submitting a future design everybody think with "characters". You collect all pictures and examples of pleasing interiors together, forgetting about integrity and not nearly thinking of details. Already in a process you must puzzle how to connect a tile and parquet, that a joint will not not visible at shut door, on what height to heave up a shower cubicle in order to create a necessary slope for the flow of water, how to design a hatch in a rest room and bathroom or what to cover an electrical panel.  The chandelier you liked is not combined with the color of the walls, and the cabinet does not fit in a niche. So many small, but in general very important details. Entrust these issues to the professional, who will think of everything instead of you!

Procedure of creation the interior design project

Procedure of the interior design project

Services of design studio "Panda":

Price of interior design will depend on the area and premises destination, selected style and services included in the project. Price is calculated individually. To order a design project or to find out the approximate cost of services, fill out the form on our website and we will call you back. Or contact an expert now at +380 50 519 01 98.

Do You need supervision?

Qualitatively and well-made design project contains comprehensive information about the future interior space, including all the necessary drawings and plans. It seems, take it and do it. But, unfortunately, the quality of construction and repair work can be affected by many nuances and contingencies. Nor should we forget about the human factor. In order to minimize the damage caused by the negligence of employees and to control the process, you can ordere supervision. You do not want almost "live" at the facility to be able to constantly monitor the work of the builders? Entrust it to a professional, who will find a common language with the foreman, and repairers.

An architectural supervision is paid separately. Because he envisages frequent departures of designer and permanent control, a price can change.